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Gain Insights

Gain Insights

Learn and be inspired by our Power of Collective ThoughtTM contributors on a wide range of subjects related to today’s and future challenges in design, innovation and business

Gain Insights

Gain Insights

Learn and be inspired by our Power of Collective Thought™ contributors on a wide range of subjects related to today’s and future challenges in design, innovation, technology, science, business, and education.

Browse our

Knowledge Center.


A collaborative space where our team and Power of Collective Thought™ connections come together to share knowledge and insights surrounding the design industry. We are constantly seeking new ways to approach and solve challenges, we strive to understand our users needs and we create sustainable processes.


This is a library of knowledge that dives deeper into the people and topics which help make our endeavours a possibilty. Read on for more, or contribute yourself and join our ever expanding Power of Collective Thought™.


Featured Articles by our

Power of Collective ThoughtTM Network.

Replace with Integrating Image
Risk and HCD Article Header 2 Kel Daviso
GE Healthcare Adventure Series Case Study
Screenshot 2018-02-28 12.06.19
Innovation Expo

Rethinking Risk in the 21st Century

Kel Davison, Intersection-Inc

Human Centered Design - Why Does it Matter?

Joan Gregor, Intersection-Inc

Business of Design & Innovation

Curated Articles  


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We encourage anyone to add to our discussion or tell your own story. Please message us with your thoughts, insights or stories regarding any topic related to design or business and we will investigate posting them to the website. Everyone has their own story to tell, let's hear yours.


© 2023 The Design Academy, Inc. 

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