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Michele Morris

Michele Morris

Associate Director DesignLab UCSD

Michele Morris 



With decades of experience and a career spanning the public, private, and non-profit sectors – and a cool French accent grave on her name - Michèle Morris provides a unique balance of practicality, creativity, and perspective to her work life. Michèle is passionate about human-centered design, strategic leadership, value-add negotiations, high-impact initiatives, and helping organizations innovate internally and externally to achieve desired success. She is the founder of the consulting firm Hardpoint Solutions, the Associate Director of The Design Lab at UC San Diego under Don Norman, cofounder and Content/Strategy Lead for the Center for Design-Driven Transformation with Rady School of Management, and VP of Partnerships/founding board member of the Design Forward Alliance. Working with companies and organizations that range from startups

to Fortune 500, including IBM, SAP, Microsoft, Pepsi Co, Sony, and Adobe to highly regulated environments like the The Port of San Diego, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), U.S. Department of Defense, federal law enforcement, school districts and urban developers, Michèle takes a collaborative, systems approach to helping clients rethink the way they do business in order to navigate, remain relevant and thrive in the evolving social and technological advancements in the global marketplace.


Proudly called a career “misfit,” Michèle has also served more than a decade in the United States Secret Service, led the journalism and radio production side of Refugee Voices, engaged with multiple performing arts organizations as a professional dancer/choreographer and outreach strategist, and has been a personal trainer fitness coach/instructor for over twenty years.


Michèle discovered her love for design as business strategy as a Sloan Fellow at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and fellow and Stanford Law School’s Center for Negotiation and International Conflict. Other alma maters include The Catholic University of America and Université de Nantes.  Michèle’s favorite privilege is being a mother, she loves to travel and cartwheel around the world, and she believes that there

is nothing a cup of tea, a scoop of gelato and ‘dancing it out’ can’t make better.

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